Let's hear about me.I'm Hamidon Majid bin Mohammed of Ulu Yam Bharu, Selangor.Usually, people call me "Midon".I was born Malay and proud to be a Malaysian in 22 May 1987 at Hospital Ipoh, Perak.
I got my early education at Sekolah Bandar Baru Kuala Selangor and later at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Dato' Harun Tanjong Karang.I continued my studies at UiTM Kampus Alor Gajah in Diploma in Tourism Management and now I'm proud that I've been given another oppurtunity by the university to further my study in Bachelor in Business Admin (hons.) Human Resource.
I got my early education at Sekolah Bandar Baru Kuala Selangor and later at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Dato' Harun Tanjong Karang.I continued my studies at UiTM Kampus Alor Gajah in Diploma in Tourism Management and now I'm proud that I've been given another oppurtunity by the university to further my study in Bachelor in Business Admin (hons.) Human Resource.
There's not much to talk about me but I would like to share my interest to the world.I want the world share knowledge with me, please do comment my blog andshare what ever knowledge you've got to me.In the matter of fact, I'm now still in school and hope you can teach me in order I don't miss a single thing.I'm really very looking forward about it.
sincere from me, Midon
sincere from me, Midon